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Staying healthy over the Christmas party season

With Christmas just around the corner, we’re well into the swing of the party season, and no doubt you’ve already planned your meal for the big day. When it comes to festive eating and drinking though, it’s important not to get so carried away munching through sweets and chocolate that you lose sight of your overall health. Of course it’s a time of year when we all want to indulge ourselves with rich food and drink, but keeping an eye on portion control and switching out the occasional treat for a healthier alternative can work wonders for your overall well being.

For many of us, Christmas is associated with an increase in our alcohol intake, as we dash from party to party. Large amounts of alcohol can overload your body with toxins, deplete you of important nutrients, affect your immune system (making you vulnerable to picking up colds or flu) and become disruptive in terms of sleep and digestion. Bear in mind that spirits can be tough on the liver, but alternatively, lower alcohol beers or ciders are kinder to us. If you are planning on drinking regularly during Christmas celebrations remember to alternate alcohol and soft drinks to keep hydrated.

One tip is to begin by mixing liquors with Nordic Life natural water, fruit juice, or creating smooth cocktails that will provide you with useful nutrients to counteract the alcohol effect and avoid unpleasant hangovers. Also try not to drink on an empty stomach, especially if you are suffering digestive problems. Plan out your day with a substantial breakfast that won’t elevate your blood sugar levels and follow a healthy diet with plenty of fruit, proteins (e.g. scrambled egg or salmon) and slow-release carbohydrates (e.g. porridge).

Try to make at least one of your daily meals (lunch or dinner) a simple light snack. This little tip will enable you to keep your social life going, make you feel better in many ways and also counter other heavy meals you’ll be eating over the rest of the Christmas period. Make the effort and swap that tempting piece of chocolate for a juicy clementine now and then. Remember, eating well doesn’t always have to be boring!

Also, if you’re a fitness enthusiast make sure you don’t abandon the routines that keep you pumping mentally and physically. Work off those extra calories, balance your mood and get rid of that heavy feeling of spending all your time eating, drinking and snoozing!

Having said that, don’t forget to build in some relaxation time, get quality sleep and try not to over-commit yourself in terms of social engagements. Remember that vacations are also a great opportunity to prioritize sleep and recover from the annual stresses and strains of life. Get your family together for a challenging board game and make your brain work so when it’s bedtime, you’ll be mentally tired and benefit from better sleep. Remember to drink at least six glasses of Nordic Life water during the day, one when you wake up and another one before you go to bed. Squeeze in all the others around your meals and entertainment time.

Most importantly – enjoy your Christmas. Eat, drink, chill, dance and make the most of it, while being mind and body conscious. Take control and decide what’s best for your health during the celebrations, and you’ll be set up for a great start to 2019.


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